All 6 Warp Trotter locations in Xianzhou Luofu in Honkai Star Rail

Honkai Star Rail has numerous side objectives for players to engage in. One such side quest involves searching for hidden guinea pig-like animals known as the Warp Trotters. Defeating these Warp Trotters in battle rewards Character EXP and 60 Stellar Jade, making them quite tempting to pursue. There are a total of six such Warp Trotters players can find within the Xianzhou Luofu region of Honkai Star Rail as of version 1.2, the whereabouts of which will be discussed below.

All Warp Trotter locations of Xianzhou Luofu in Honkai Star Rail 1.2


The location of the first Warp Trotter (Image via HoYoverse)

The first Warp Trotter is on the lower floor. The direct entrance to it is blocked, however, and players must traverse from the upper floor to reach it. Simply head to the Cargo Lane Space Anchor, and walk down the stairs to find the lone Trotter.

Stargazer Navalia

The second Warp Trotter's location (Image via HoYoverse)

The second Warp Trotter is located at the center of a restaurant. To find the place, head down the stairs after you teleport to the Space Anchor known as The Burgeoning.

Divination Commission

The third Warp Trotter's location (image via HoYoverse)

Simply head to the upper floor of the Divination Commission to find the lone Warp Trotter. Engage in battle with it quickly before it escapes to claim the rewards.

Artisanship Commission

The fourth Warp Trotter's location (Image via HoYoverse)

This Warp Trotter can be rather tricky to find. After battling a maze of enemies with Dan Heng, Luocha, and Sushang, players can find the fourth Warp Trotter near the south of the in-game map.

Alchemy Commission

The fifth Warp Trotter's location (Image via HoYoverse)

This Trotter was added along with version 1.2 of Honkai Star Rail. Simply head to the north of the Alchemy Commission map to find the lone Trotter near the stairway.

Scalegorge Waterscape

The sixth and final Warp Trotter's location (Image via HoYoverse)

This particular Warp Trotter was added in version 1.2 of Honkai Star rail, along with the new map. It can be found at the tail end of the map and must be dealt with quickly before it escapes.

Focusing damage on the Trotter is a must. If it does manage to escape, players can always teleport back to the nearest Space Anchor to trigger its appearance again.

Honkai Star Rail was released worldwide on April 26, 2023, for PC and mobile devices. This turn-based RPG is a free-to-play title and is scheduled to be released on PlayStation 5 sometime before Q4 2023. For more guides on the game, keep an eye out on Sportskeeda for updates.

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